Kathy Jaloussis Counselling MBACP (Accred.)

Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision for young people & adults in South West London


"I had an initial meeting with Kathy to touch base. She was very professional, relaxed and friendly within a nice environment. I needed help quickly as I was having a very difficult time with a close family member, plus other difficulties which come with life. Kathy's experience and understanding have helped me to think about my life and the paths that I have taken and will choose to take in the future. This helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses. I am thankful that I can return if needed. I don't think I have cried so much. So thanks also for the tissues".

"I am very grateful for the counselling sessions I had as I was given valuable tools and methods to support me in the future. I didn't feel judged or uncomfortable talking about my problems and my problems felt cared for. Setting goals at the start that I feel are important and assessing and reflecting my progress along the way has helped me assess what helps me overcome my problems. Talking about my life and tough situations that I come across and being properly listened to is also something I am grateful for ".
Young Person

"Thanks for letting me know about the progress xxx made. I am glad to see her positive feedback. Thanks for making it clear to xxx that your door is open if needed and for encouraging her to try to use what she has learnt. I can see that she is much different to when she started seeing you ."
Parent of a Young Person

"When I first began, I felt myself to be in a state of sadness and did not know how to help it. I believe counselling has helped me identify my problems and find ways to overcome them and overall improve my happiness. I have found it very beneficial and feel like I am in a much better place."
Young Person

"I have to say we have seen some great improvements over the last few weeks in respect of xxx confidence and attitude towards going to school and other social activities. I am more than happy for xxx to continue with further sessions as without doubt xxx has really benefited from these. "
Parent of a 10-year-old

"I feel that the counselling I have received has benefitted me significantly, particularly in regards to increasing my emotional awareness and self-confidence. I am now much more easily able to cope with any issues I face as I have learnt techniques (e.g. mindfulness exercises) during sessions that have been effective. I feel I have become more independent and have made significant positive changes and progress - I am now more open with others (can communicate personal thoughts more easily) and feel more able to explore and sit with my emotions".
Young Adult


Workshop Feedback


"Very useful - targeted at the age appropriate. Brings out relevant questions/discussions through the use of the puppet story. Thank you!"
Primary School

"Puppets helped the children understand in a child-friendly way. Questioning helped the children think deeper about the issues surrounding bullying"
Primary School

"the girls responded really well to you. Really great session!"
Secondary School

"it was really useful and tied in well with anti-bullying week and issues we've also been having in the form. I think that the role play and scenarios were really useful as they got the groups to engage with the topic"
Secondary School

"the session definitely helped as it has reinforced and given the tools necessary for them to deal with those types of situations when they arise".
Secondary School


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